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The IFHA in talks with the WTO to stop free trade in betting

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In its battle to fight unauthorized online betting, the International Federation of Horseracing Authorities introduced the Racing Trust Mark and started talks with international bodies to enact the necessary legislation and force betting sites to block transactions from countries where their activity is illegal.

To gain the Racing Trust Mark, online betting operators must agree to the two IFHA principles:

1) gambling services should not be offered to residents of countries where this is illegal and;

2) no one should use the racing product for betting purposes without the express consent of the race organiser or its rights holder.

Several prominent betting sites have already shown interest in the mark, which has been adopted by the racing authorities of over 50 countries, including Britain\’s two IFHA members, the BHB and Jockey Club.

However, BHB Chief Executive Greg Nichols admitted: “There may be conflict between this and the aspiration of UK bookmakers.”

“The reality is that Britain has the most dynamic betting market in the world. No other country has such diversity of opportunities for punters. But the dynamics of the market make it difficult for the British system to comply with the Trust Mark,” he added.