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US crackdown on internet betting to benefit the Isle of Man

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Bill Mummery, Head of e-Gaming Development for the Isle of Man Government, said: “Recent events in the US can only have and will only have a positive impact for the Isle of Man, because it demonstrates very very clearly, that the quality businesses, who wish to be in this industry long term absolutely have to put themselves in a premium, well-regulated jurisdiction like the Isle of Man.”

Mummery also commented on competing jurisdictions: “Gibraltar is a credible jurisdiction, that will continue to be attractive to some players in the industry, but I don\’t see much room for growth and it will be interesting to see how they address required changes to their taxation regime over the next two to three years.”

“In this part of the globe, the focus is on three jurisidictions. The Isle of Man, Alderney and Malta.”

While Malta is already in the EU, for Alderney and the Isle of Man will be crucial to be added to a white list, when in 2007 the UK will implement the Gambling Act 2005 and betting companies based outside the EU will be banned from marketing into Britain.