I watched a little bit of the Barty match last night but was streaming so no rewind/pause. You said you re-watch matches on your ESPN+. It was a Barty blowout and they kept raving about her movement. I seen it differently late in match but that is my job assessing peeps. Hopefully I was just over analyzing but would like a tennis guys opinion. 1st of all what is going on between her rt ankle and shin?? Just looks odd or was tape. Next, look In 2nd set around 3-0. From there on it looks like she is limping a bit with that rt lower leg but not real obvious at times. Check on her serves at times I noticed she would not land on that rt foot with full weight once or twice even a little hop. At interview after just watch posture than watch long walk back to locker room and when walked up steps. I know you still got that big potential fire in bet and don't want you getting burned. It is good you didn't get IGA in as she is having a lot of unforeseen issues but hanging on. gL bud!!