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Will Trump Complete a Full Term as President?

U.S. President-elect Donald Trump Texas
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Did Grover Cleveland give up when he lost the 1888 U.S. presidential election to Benjamin Harrison? Heck no. Cleveland dusted himself off, ran again in 1892, and defeated Harrison to become the first POTUS to serve non-consecutive terms.

Donald Trump is about to become the second. But will he serve two complete terms like Cleveland did? You can bet on it right now; as we go to press, BetOnline (visit our BetOnline Review) has “Yes” priced at –300 on their politics odds board, with “No” the +200 underdog.

Trump odds at online sportsbooks are also available for which year he’ll leave the White House. Commensurate with our first bet, “2029 or later” is the –300 favorite for the Trump Exit Date special, then each year from 2026-28 is set at +800 and +675 respectively, with “2025” bringing up the rear at +1000.

So where’s the betting value? People tend to bet on what they want to see happen, and the politics betting market skews Trumpist; if all you care about is cold, hard cash, contrary bets on “No” and “2025” might make sense. But let’s see what the numbers have to say before we hit those Trump specials.

Donald Trump’s Exit Date Odds

Potential YearBetOnline Odds
2029 or Later-300

Will Trump Get Thrown Out?

Highly unlikely. The Republican Party completed the trifecta in the 2024 election: Presidency, House and Senate. They’ll have slim majorities in both chambers of Congress, but more than enough to ensure Trump won’t face any real threat of removal – especially after this year’s Supreme Court immunity rulings.

There is another election coming up in 2026. If history repeats itself, the Democratic Party is likely to bounce back in the midterms and reclaim at least one of those two chambers. It’ll probably be the House, where the Democrats are a shade under 70% at the prediction markets; the GOP is around 80% to hold the Senate, just like they did in 2018.

The Dems also won a swathe of governorships and other offices during the ‘18 midterms, adding to their “checks and balances” against Trump two years into his first term. But they never did get him out of office before the 2020 election, thanks to the Senate, and it’ll presumably be even more difficult this time around.

Donald Trump’s Impeachment Odds

To Be ImpeachedBetOnline Odds

Will Trump Survive His Second Term?

Probably. According to the Life Expectancy Calculator on the John Hancock insurance website, Trump’s average expectancy is 87. That’s when you plug in the following:

  • Height: 6-foot-2
  • Weight: 240 pounds
  • Non-smoker
  • Normal blood pressure
  • High cholesterol/HDL
  • No exercise
  • No alcohol
  • No driving violations

Trump is officially listed as 6-foot-3 and 215 pounds, but when he was arrested in New York in April 2023 for falsifying business records, they put him at 6-foot-2 and 240. We’re taking Trump at his word that he’s a non-drinker and non-smoker, and we’re assuming normal blood pressure as per his previous White House physicians’ reports.

We’re also plugging in zero exercise for Trump, who says he hates exercise, although he does play golf and at least some tennis. The more pressing concern is Trump’s cholesterol. At 240 pounds or thereabouts, Trump has been clinically obese – just barely, mind you – for several years now. His favorite breakfast, when he has one, is bacon and eggs; Trump famously saves most of his eating for dinnertime, when he goes to town on fast food.

What Does Trump Eat?

Here’s Trump’s favorite order at McDonald’s, according to former campaign manager Corey Lewandowski:

  • Two Big Macs
  • Two Filet-O-Fish
  • One small chocolate shake
  • Total calories = 2,430

That’s a reasonable caloric intake for a day, if you’re not eating anything else. Trump will also go upscale at steakhouses, where he eats his steak well done with ketchup; he admits to being a germaphobe, which is why he prefers fast food in the first place – you always know what you’re getting.

What Trump isn’t getting is fiber. Or the “good” kind of fats. And while he doesn’t drink alcohol, Trump does consume roughly a dozen Diet Cokes every day. Good thing they’re Diet; Trump also has a fondness for potato chips and ice cream.

As they say, Father Time is undefeated. Even if we avoid speculating about Trump being pushed out of office, or whether there will be more attempts on his life, the former and future President’s dietary choices are recommended by roughly zero out of five doctors.

Bet accordingly.

Donald Trump’s To Complete a Full Term as President Odds

To Complete a Full Term as PresidentBetOnline Odds

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