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  1. leafyon62

    Whats Up with Low Vig?

    Thank you.
  2. leafyon62

    Whats Up with Low Vig?

    No pending bets section?
  3. leafyon62

    Web Scraping

    My bad. Tanko.
  4. leafyon62

    Web Scraping

    Tried that recently, JJ Gold. $45/hr. The man spent 2 hours programming only to find out what I already suspected. TeamRankings (The data site I use) was immune to scraping. Leary of hiring him again to try and scrape Killer Sports. Got a feeling they, and every other data site, are web...
  5. leafyon62

    Web Scraping

    Thank you so much, Tango.
  6. leafyon62

    Election Betting Odds Flip Again Before Presidential Debate

    Yeah, just saw Trump go from -111 to +108. :(
  7. leafyon62

    Web Scraping

    Thank you, Bobby.
  8. leafyon62


    Anybody like sci-fi after we get our bets in? The Three Body Problem is worth a read or a listen. Makes you think and wonder in a different direction; and takes the mental edge of the sports bettor's mind. It's on NetFlix, but I don't get that. Any sci-fi recommendations?
  9. leafyon62

    Web Scraping

    Having just averted disaster, can I ask the BMR fellow members another question? I noticed all sports betting data bases are web scraping proof. I can understand ESPN, FOX SPORTS but Killer Sports too? Has anyone tried a web scrape of some of their stats? Not that I know how to do that, but...
  10. leafyon62

    BTC transaction gone astray.

    Right again, JJ Gold. Thank you. I panicked early.
  11. leafyon62

    BTC transaction gone astray.

    Thank you, djefferis. It just got confirmed. Sweated a little. The legal sites have a quick and verifiable transaction record. But the vig is awful.
  12. leafyon62

    BTC transaction gone astray.

    Did anybody ever send a BTC transaction to Bet Online? I think I made a fatal mistake. I clicked "confirmed" at the Bet Online deposit site, but I hadn't yet sent the coin. A few moments later I went to my BTC wallet and sent the transaction. That was about 4 hours ago, and no confirmations...
  13. leafyon62

    SDQL..@ Killer Sports

    Thank you, JJ Gold!
  14. leafyon62

    SDQL..@ Killer Sports

    Thank you so much, JDS, JJGold, and Tango.
  15. leafyon62

    SDQL..@ Killer Sports

    Anyone use this data base? Looking for a member who can help me with this code. Moderators....Can I offer to pay any SDQL helpers for viable code? TY..............Leafy
  16. leafyon62

    Up In The Middle of The Night

    Above referring to "Bet Tracker"
  17. leafyon62

    Up In The Middle of The Night

    Sometimes we're lucky. Snell lasted 2 inn and Kelly pitch great. I put my loser (Francis) in posthumously, and it worked. This could be a flaw because it might allow one to put in winners "after the fact." (3-3) -3% ROI
  18. leafyon62

    Pit ROI site?

    Thank you so much, JDS.
  19. leafyon62

    Pit ROI site?

    Can't find one. Stat Fox used to have them. Is there any site where members who use that metric go? TY.........Leafy
  20. leafyon62

    Up In The Middle of The Night

    Francis lost. 2-3 I forgot to put it in Bet Tracker. Now my ROI is screwed up. Just put it in posthumously to see if I can fix it. Tonite its SNELL. Not exactly "goin out on a limb" but I don't think M. Kelly can hang with him.