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Jan 8, 2024
What’s the point of a 5 figure balance - it’s your wager size and winning percentage that matter.

You have 10k - but bet $50 a game - it’s pointless. Keep that money in a bank - at most you need 5-8x your typical wager in any one book - spread among 3-6 to get the best number available.

Likewise - if you’re constantly losing and reloading - you need to be playing for recreation only. Hell - play a few 2-3 team parlay or try a teaser. Some guys run in streaks - lose 8 in a row but then hit 2-3 - at least you’ll have a decent payout and can keep playing recreationally.

Last year I bet 300-500 a game - did ok, but that’s high limit of my comfort zone. I’m sure some people drop 10k and don’t blink - of course those players have deeper pockets, shorter memories and bigger balls than me.



Jan 8, 2024
Exactly. I'll think nothing of putting $100 in a video poker machine but I keep an eye out for bargains and deals when shopping

JJ has said it many times and is true - gamblers are notoriously cheap.

It’s why casinos pass out comps - we will drop a grand like nothing - but pay $35 for an all you can eat seafood buffet - hard pass. If not for comps must gamblers diets would consist of hot dogs and fountain soda.



Oct 19, 2021
JJ has said it many times and is true - gamblers are notoriously cheap.

It’s why casinos pass out comps - we will drop a grand like nothing - but pay $35 for an all you can eat seafood buffet - hard pass. If not for comps must gamblers diets would consist of hot dogs and fountain soda.
See I agree with that to some extent. But for me I enjoy food. So I don't mind paying for a good meal but obviously if I can get it comped that's even better



Jan 8, 2024
See I agree with that to some extent. But for me I enjoy food. So I don't mind paying for a good meal but obviously if I can get it comped that's even better

Agreed - I’ll pay for what I want - but people are just illogical at times.

At the same time - a great host caters to this and keeps players engaged. Tickets to events - experiences, whatever it takes.

Isn’t it hilarious a gambler won’t buy a $50 shirt but he will buy a four dollar shirt with rips in it and people laugh at him

I’m still wearing my Heritage “I bet the final game at Yankee Stadium” T shirt - you saying I’m being laughed at ?? Seriously - asked and got an extra - they were damn nice tshirts too - nice and heavy. Wore it quit a bit in the South with those 40 degree mornings - usually laughed at by my Mexican neigbors out in their parkas - thinking my fat gringo ass was freezing in a t-shirt. Hey I’m fat and from Cleveland - bunch of weather pussies in the south.

Speaking of Heritage - again great example of smart host/promo - giving away Pete Rose signed balls - bonus they likely just worked out the signing for debt forgiveness - win/win.



Aug 8, 2024
Isn’t it hilarious a gambler won’t buy a $50 shirt but he will buy a four dollar shirt with rips in it and people laugh at him

The same guy I’ll lose 300 in a day and not even blink and not even care
The life of a gambler. It's the way our minds work. Average people could never understand it. A regular dude who just gets up in the morning and goes to work, comes homes eats dinner, maybe watches a game, then hits the sack.

That guy could never understand gambling your entire pay for a week. Or going to the casino and blowing 10k or more at a blackjack table. To to a dude like that, it seems insane.

To a person whose been gambling since their teen years, it's nothing.
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Aug 8, 2024
True fukkin story.

Be me. 16 years old.

Sophomore in high school.

Word gets out I been gambling with a bookie.

Next thing I fukkin know, everyone wants to get involved and no one can keep their fukkin mouth shut.

Fukkin school teachers find out I'm a gambler.

One teacher in particular, broke my balls every Monday morning.

Walk into his class, this fukk always had his feet up on his desk, newspaper sports page right in his face, couldn't see his face.

Class sits down. All you can see is his feet up on the desk, and the fukkin newspaper in his face.

This is what I would hear every fukkin Monday...

"(My name) ya loser, how much you lose this week?"

Whole fukkin class would laugh.

What this asshole fukk never knew was that at 16 years old, I was up over 25k on the fukkin street.

Word gets out I'm killing the books. Next thing I know, this same fukkin asshole who did nothing but break my fukkin balls every fukkin Monday, was asking me for football picks 😆 🤣 😂

True fukkin shit.



Jan 8, 2024
Exactly - high school was grabbing the USA Today to keep up with Sheridan’s Line and studying baseball box scores. Wed was running off pick em sheets and parlay cards in the office on the copier - distributing them 5th period as my buddy passed out into to the teachers.

I was in study hall the last couple of periods - everyone asked why I stuck around school vs just going home as i had just morning classes and no reason to physically be there - because there was cash to be collected and distributed.

We also had some great poker games in the nurses office with military recruiters. Looking back wondering if a few buddies didn’t wind up joining Marines just to settle up a debt owed.