Here's what I mean with that post above.
All of these charts represent tracked plays at SBR, where there are summaries with links to the individual plays that I can produce now, even. So all of these plays and tracking was public real time.
Look at these two years of NCAAF Totals. When it comes to the closing line, my tracked comparison was crude, down to a half point, instead of exact as that means I would reveal the push rates and values of numbers in the market...something I chose no to do then.
Look at 2018-2019...
Here are the Units that year, finishing up +7.58 units over 137 plays. The overall record was 74-62-1. Here's how that looked...
While my closing line comparison was crude (not accounting for key numbers), even the crude comparison was over .5 points ahead of the market on average. The record against the close that year was 80-31-26. It beat the closer by .58 points, it was more than half a point better against the close and even finished bringing the overall average up, you can see the trend over the last 30 plays or so, a strong sign for sure in a mature market...
This Fund had won several years in a row, but look what happened with that same Fund, that same strategy in fact, the next year, the 2019-2020 year.
The Fund finished -11.17 Units but there were only 50 triggered plays, a far cry from 137 plays the season before...
Even worse, that next season the Fund beat the closer in the crude comparison, but by a dimsal .12 points, a far cry from over a half point the season before...
So you can see, when we talk about info or methods becoming obsolete, useless, or the market catching up, there are ways we can see it happen real time.
To further drive home the point, look at those charts when we put both of those publicly tracked seasons together. You can see a clear issue with the number of triggers, the declining closing performance, and then of course the last straw, the loss of Units...
So sure, over the two seasons I was still beating the closing line by near half a point, but the declining number of plays is a more significant sign, even more important than the massive unit loss...
I post this because it is somewhat relevant, if you are deciding methods and information are becoming obsolete.
Hopefully one can pick up what I'm putting down.