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LIVE Thursday Night (10/20) DEBATE - Vitterd vs. Donk šŸ§

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Oct 27, 2021
Please do, and post her reply. I stand by my broad stroke domino description of it.

Wharton isn't an economics school nor a public policy school. It's a business, management, statistics MBA program.

Big difference in refining a marketing campaign for Peosi that includes the right % of blacks versus an understanding of international reliance upon US Fed policy & dollar valuation / manipulation.
:lmao:Please stop.
Trying to discredit Wharton business school is beneath you.

You make some good points on things but sometimes I just wonder WTH you are thinking. I'm conservative but even I don't believe the BS the right spits out sometimes. Trying to blame world wide inflation on Biden and the Dems is nonsense. Sure they may have contributed to the issue we have with it in the US but, blaming them for all inflation.... LMAO.

That's too big a leap.

P.S. She laughed at your response.



Oct 31, 2021
I want to know why he won't release his medical records. If you guys say Trump is unfit or not transparent because he won't release taxes, then why does JF get a pass on this? He's asking PA voters for a 6 year contract, months after he should have died from his own poor choices and poor health.

I also want to know, if the Democrats had put a mannequin up there versus Oz, would you vote for the mannequin?
I have asked Vitty a few times what his actual thoughts were at the time when JF started his debate saying "Good Night" ..... Even Dems had to be sayin "What the Fvck"...



Nov 1, 2021
:lmao:Please stop.
Trying to discredit Wharton business school is beneath you.

You make some good points on things but sometimes I just wonder WTH you are thinking. I'm conservative but even I don't believe the BS the right spits out sometimes. Trying to blame world wide inflation on Biden and the Dems is nonsense. Sure they may have contributed to the issue we have with it in the US but, blaming them for all inflation.... LMAO.

That's too big a leap.

P.S. She laughed at your response.
Not discrediting it at all but the schools emphasis is on business management and into specifics such as, lately, environmental scoring, stats, general mgmt, diversify, equity & inclusion, policy, innovation, governance, etc

The way business (the markets) view the world versus the way fiscal policy makers (world banks) is very different.

FOR EXEAMPLE this week the market is rallying because business is viewing the struggles of the world economy as a rational for the Fed to pump the brakes on tightening of the money supply, however, last week the inflation report still exceeded 8.5% year on year which would indicate the FED has zero interest in pumping the brakes and rather intends to stamp out the inflation thru MULTIPLE rate hikes next year (or perhaps starting in December).

One of us will be right, the other wrong.

I stand by my view and predict 3 substantial rate hikes and a massive decline in the markets (15-20%) and business is predicting a green light expansion of the money supply.

We'll see



Dec 24, 2021
Incurable deficiencies WHILE HOLDING OFFICE would be more like it. From Whitwater real estate in Arkansas where EVERY other investor went to jail, thru Benghazi / that completely disinterested testimony, thru the FBI conclusions of obstruction of justice but no charges, to her covering up Bills affairs thru her failed work on the 1993 health care act Hillary has been, for 40 years, unable to accomplish anything.

And why are we going back to Trump again...this is the 2nd time today you've gone "bad orange man" discussing your interpretation of Trumps Presidency without actually citing a single Trump policy that negatively impacted your life or the Country, and you still have failed to address JFs complete disaster last night.

I want to know why he won't release his medical records. If you guys say Trump is unfit or not transparent because he won't release taxes, then why does JF get a pass on this? He's asking PA voters for a 6 year contract, months after he should have died from his own poor choices and poor health.

I also want to know, if the Democrats had put a mannequin up there versus Oz, would you vote for the mannequin?
You mean when she wrecked that silly benghazi committee and testified for 9 hours? Yeah, she beat them to death. Hillary was a terrific senator and best Secretary of State in decades. I understand your hate for her would never allow you to see that.

Trump tax cuts and his covid handling both were devastating to this country. If you want me to cite things. We could go into his blackmailing Ukraine or his horrible handling of Puerto Rico, his destroying our faith in elections, his disgraceful rhetoric, his leading a mob to attack the Capitol. I mean how much more do you want? We havenā€™t even gotten to holding that stupid Bible after smoke bombing protesters.

Iā€™ve seen JF medical records and have no problem voting for him. Some of you need to understand strokes better. If we are gonna disqualify senators for their own poor choicesā€¦.the chamber is empty.
Last edited:



May 30, 2022
Trump won because he had 40 years of private business experience which requires efficiency & results.

Hillary lost because she had 40 years of Government experience which doesn't require anything other than a pulse and nodding head apparently as John Fetterman is attempting to find out.

People want to be free to buy what they want, travel where they want, work at what they'd like and not have the Government dictate behavior or conduct by use of economic or policy force.

The real trend is Authoritarian vs Libertarian.... can you go to school without a mask? Can you keep your job without a jab? Can you buy a car that runs on gas? Can you buy a gun to protect your home or hunt a deer? Can I choose my own Doctor?

Democrats are Authoritarian in this as they want centralized one size fits all control on the issues AS THEY SEE BEST...Conservatives are of the mind set that consumers dictate policy.
Trump's perceived business success definitely was a factor for a portion of voters, but not likely the tipping point factor that gave him the presidency

I'm not gonna be one of those guys that tells you that Trump sucked because of his bankruptcies -- that's BS Democrat talking points. But he grew up with advantages that 99.99999% of the world will never have in terms of being set up for success, based on what he was born into. So most educated voters out there can see through his success, or at least know not to much stake into it in terms of who should run the country.

There is also a big difference between working in government and being a politician. Unfortunately they are tied together quite often. Trump definitely played that card a lot, and to his credit it was effective

Being successful at that high level of government almost always takes a lot of intelligence and a great ethic -- two things Hillary demonstratively has a lot of. She never could figure out the political piece when it came to running for president, nomination, etc. That always bit her.

I personally am open to voting for a successful businessman, just like I am open to voting for someone who has worked in the government their whole lives.



May 30, 2022
Hillary was a tremendous candidate. First Lady, Senator, Secretary of Stateā€¦..compared to a trust fund baby that conned people for a living. The right demonized Hillary for decades. She would have been a great President and would have saved us from Trump and Biden.
Yeah she took a lot from a lot of people for years. Unfortunate to see, no matter what party.

Like I said, she just couldn't play the game. Trump could reach and identify the fear of a lot of Americans. Country moving too fast, changing too much, too attached to globalization, etc.....those obviously were fears for a lot of people near the end of Obama's second term, and Trump was able to capitalize on that and squeak out a win



Oct 27, 2021
Since this thread has turned a little political, I'll mention to every to go out and vote.

We early voted today in Texas. It wasn't bad.

After we got through the documentation requirements (license, passport, birth-certificate, DNA test, voter registration card, etc...) it went well. We did think the strip search they required for everyone was a little invasive (they were looking for electronic devices that would impact the Dominion Voting machines). But we wanted to vote so we got through it. :lmao:

Thank god we showed up as registered republicans. You should have seen what the democrats had to go through.



Jan 18, 2022
Iā€™ve voted by mail for the last 22 years.

Our ballots are sitting in the business room we are procrastinating.



Nov 1, 2021
I go to the poll on Election Day. Thankfully I donā€™t live in Georgia. 10 mins here every time.

What do you say to election day being a paid federal holiday for all?

Scrap the mail in (absentee w verification fine), but tidy up the electorate by simply making the polling Tuesday a national holiday?

I think that'd solve A LOT of concerns & questions on both sides.



Jan 18, 2022
I heard a pundit today say high school graduates are going to shy away from going to college in red states. Just canā€™t take that chance.
Iā€™d think guyā€™s and girls we donā€™t want to pay child support for X amount of years lol.

The one thing that comes out of this is donā€™t be a slut and youā€™ll be fine.



Nov 1, 2021
Sunny Southern California
where women have reproductive rights lol
Isn't California up to 24 weeks/ viability?

Most have limits in the 15-16 week range

To suggest California is a bastion of freedom for a rather (in this day & age) unnecessary procedure is a little misguided....and I'm actually pro choice, but don't buy into the full term argument.



Nov 1, 2021
I heard a pundit today say high school graduates are going to shy away from going to college in red states. Just canā€™t take that chance.
Iā€™d think guyā€™s and girls we donā€™t want to pay child support for X amount of years lol.

The one thing that comes out of this is donā€™t be a slut and youā€™ll be fine.
College enrollment rates peaked in 2018.

The truth is, as whites and Asians have less children and more Hispanics & blacks reproduce we'll have a lower collegiate enrollment rate and less quality of choice in professional services as a result.

That being said, there is nothing wrong w a vocational school or a union trade- just don't expect to get rich or advance in life w your wealthy community the railroad workers are finding out, there's a limit to blue collar value.