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The Future: World War III, The Great Catholic Monarch, World War IV, AntiChrist

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Aug 8, 2024
Interesting to hear Donald Trump talk about World War III. He's mentioned it a few times now. It's coming....

Down through the ages, Catholic saints and holy people have received visions or private revelations from Heaven. Testimony from these saints attest to the truth if these visions as many have already come to pass.

Some of these saints received revelations about a future ruler of the world who appears when everything seems lost. This ruler is known as The Great Catholic Monarch and he will be the last and greatest of all Roman Emperors.

He appears at a time of unheard of suffering. The prophecies regarding him state he appears in the aftermath of World War III when he will be revealed to the earth by God.

At the time of his appearance, according to the prophecies, World War III has already happened and it's indeed nuclear. The world is left utterly devastated. The USA will no longer exist as a world power and all of Europe has been taken over by Muslims who then enslave the non muslim population and force them to either convert or be put to death.

Then this miraculous, amazing, holy, and devout man appears. This man who is chosen by Heaven. He gathers the remaining forces left and begins his mission. He starts World War IV.

He retakes all of Europe and puts every single muslim on earth to the sword wiping out Islam as a religion on the earth. He is aided by a truly holy Pope and together they will convert the entire world back to the true Catholic faith.

He rules for a period of time and it is during this period that the earth experiences a peace like it never knew before. the bad news......

After this period of peace, the Great Catholic Monarch goes to Jerusalem, to the Catholic Church there, and lays down his crown on the altar. He then dies.

Immediately upon his death, the AntiChrist appears and begins his reign. It will be a time of persecution and suffering this world has never seen before. He rules for a brief period before God delivers the final judgment.

A few notes....The Great Catholic Monarch, despite reports saying so, isn't at all french or german. Instead we are told simply this..."he is a king of the greeks, the romans, and the franks."

Also, his other half is "from a branch that has been cut off." One can guess as to the meaning of these.

His appearance will be preceded by The 3 Days of Darkness. If you don't know what the 3 days of darkness are, I strongly suggest you look it up.

Lastly, I do strongly suggest to everyone who doesn't know about the Great Catholic Monarch or never heard of him before, to research him. He is 100% on his way.