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The only thing that doesn’t sleep is money

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Jan 8, 2024
But remember it works both ways - passive investing makes $$ - but the value of money also changes.

A dollar tomorrow isn’t worth a dollar today in general - inflation is a needed thing.

Worse - because money never sleeps - the action junkies feel they have to “keep up with the market” - you’ll kill yourself trying or go broke in the process (likely both) - there is a cost to money no matter what - nothings free. If you chase a dollar - you’re giving up something else. Know limits and don’t over emphasize money vs happiness thinking you can buy the latter - it doesn’t work - except for boats. Money does buy a nicer boat and a nice boat is happiness.



Aug 8, 2024
But remember it works both ways - passive investing makes $$ - but the value of money also changes.

A dollar tomorrow isn’t worth a dollar today in general -
inflation is a needed thing.

Worse - because money never sleeps - the action junkies feel they have to “keep up with the market” - you’ll kill yourself trying or go broke in the process (likely both) - there is a cost to money no matter what - nothings free. If you chase a dollar - you’re giving up something else. Know limits and don’t over emphasize money vs happiness thinking you can buy the latter - it doesn’t work - except for boats. Money does buy a nicer boat and a nice boat is happiness.
"Inflation is a needed thing"

That's the bullshit they sell people living in an economy controlled by a Central Bank.

Central Banks want inflation to control supply and demand of the money. Once people realize you don't need central banks at all, that whole idea goes out the window.



Jan 8, 2024
You need inflation - otherwise the incentive to invest in low risk investments is zero. Better to hold or just spend it - eventually the flow of cash drops - either banks inject more to stimulate and cause artificial inflation or the market struggles.

We have had periods of deflation - look at Japan, Germany and France and how that went.

Don’t disagree there is manipulation from central governments in manipulating their currency. But just like the Arabs blow something up every time oil falls below $60 bbl - we jump in and try to play with things when we have no need to. Govt needs to let markets set their own course and not try to win elections based on Joe Paychecks wallet and feeling of how “wealthy” they are.



Aug 8, 2024
You need inflation - otherwise the incentive to invest in low risk investments is zero. Better to hold or just spend it - eventually the flow of cash drops - either banks inject more to stimulate and cause artificial inflation or the market struggles.

We have had periods of deflation - look at Japan, Germany and France and how that went.

Don’t disagree there is manipulation from central governments in manipulating their currency. But just like the Arabs blow something up every time oil falls below $60 bbl - we jump in and try to play with things when we have no need to. Govt needs to let markets set their own course and not try to win elections based on Joe Paychecks wallet and feeling of how “wealthy” they are.
Bro, didn't you read what I said? I said central banks want inflation. They also want people to believe in their system and that inflation is a needed thing.

Once you realize you don't need a central bank, hence their system, you will see it for the pack of lies it is.



Jan 8, 2024
We lived centuries without central banks - barter was the only currency.

The simple fact is without currency - things come to a crawl. Transactions are far more complex and as a result slowed. To have currency- there must be someone controlling that currency. Only thing is it may not be a government who is in charge. Corporations have the same issues as governments - but who do you trust ?

You do realize you’re free to participate in this style of economy now right ? Hell - I have a few thousand neighbors in the Amish community who do mostly exactly that - but there’s even a large percentage of their church who simply reject the notion as not convenient. The moment some guy in a horse and buggy who does not have electricity says a system is not a good one- I know it’s probably not the best method.



Aug 8, 2024
We lived centuries without central banks - barter was the only currency.

The simple fact is without currency - things come to a crawl. Transactions are far more complex and as a result slowed. To have currency- there must be someone controlling that currency. Only thing is it may not be a government who is in charge. Corporations have the same issues as governments - but who do you trust ?

You do realize you’re free to participate in this style of economy now right ? Hell - I have a few thousand neighbors in the Amish community who do mostly exactly that - but there’s even a large percentage of their church who simply reject the notion as not convenient. The moment some guy in a horse and buggy who does not have electricity says a system is not a good one- I know it’s probably not the best method.
Disagree completely. Just take a look at the history of this country. We had zero poverty and zero homeless here under our original currency which was Colonial Script.

We don't need a central bank to control our economy.



Jan 8, 2024
Disagree completely. Just take a look at the history of this country. We had zero poverty and zero homeless here under our original currency which was Colonial Script.

We don't need a central bank to control our economy.

Look closer at the history of colonial fiat and inflation - it worked well in general - but certainly suffered with wars.

Strict controls in place were the key. Those controls kept the inflation in check as script had a set value in goods - as people lost faith in the issuer ability to pay though inflation factored in heavily .



Aug 8, 2024
Look closer at the history of colonial fiat and inflation - it worked well in general - but certainly suffered with wars.

Strict controls in place were the key. Those controls kept the inflation in check as script had a set value in goods - as people lost faith in the issuer ability to pay though inflation factored in heavily .
What? No one lost faith in Colonial Script. It was done away with when Ben Franklin became ambassador to England and upon his arrival there asked how could there be so many homeless and such poverty in the richest country in the world?

To which his question was met with a don't you have poverty and homeless in America? When he replied in the negative, they asked how is this possible and he told them Colonial Script is printed only as needed, there is no one homeless nor is there any poverty.

When they heard this, they went to their king and told him they must get America on their financial system in order to control them. Thus, was Colonial Script done with and we got the English debt system and instantly we had poverty and homeless just like they did.
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Jan 8, 2024
I’ll take your word for it - I wasn’t around to contradict.

I understand the basics of it - strict controls (2x leverage, backed by loans and had a fixed exchange rate of goods). The simple fact is though that will never be allowed to take control - there are too many hands in the financial cookie jar that would be left without a crumb if drastic changes happened.

Banks now treat crypto like energy treats EVs and solar - they want to control them and set the rules to ensure nothing gains wide set acceptance until they have complete control. Don’t let the competition get too far ahead of you - just stiffle what you can, misinform the masses and hope to control things. We are basically China - but we act like we are superior in our handling. Only difference is China has better health care and a healthier economy. The US is more concerned with giving away to the lowest 20% than protecting the next 40% - all the while the 1% feast on the labor of the people.

We are fueled by greed and consumerism - that will
never change. Unless people are willing to accept living without a large amount of credit - the system cannot be reformed. I don’t disagree that the last 4 years have been an absolute disaster financially as an economy - but so long as our 401ks go up they hope we won’t notice. There is a market bubble forming and it’s not gonna be pretty when it deflates.