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Jan 8, 2024
The things to keep front of mind about attorneys is a. They are expressing opinions only - while they may be well thought out and supported opinions - they are opinions. Attorneys have opinions - judges decide whose opinions are right. B. Most attorneys opinions are going to side with whomever is paying them - a lot less money to be made telling people they are wrong vs telling them they are indeed correct.

Someone plowing snow onto your property is a tough case to make - not that it’s permissible - just that there needs to be damage to be actionable. Further - it needs to be forcible - not drift.

Driving across your yard is simpler - they damage the yard - you have a right to recover damage and prevent future damage. A simple 2 post and a chain set up stops that - they either stop driving through or drive around it. If they remove/damage the chain it’s vandalism/trespassing - that’s criminal and police can respond at that point.

The “friend” driving a tractor through and rutting up a yard doing work - again - simply find out who the friend is and file against them in small claims for damage to re/seed and water the area damaged. If the friend is a real contractor with insurance - hope they jump in as they will end that quickly. I’ve had to have those conversations with customers accused of doing similarly stupid stuff on job sites to upset neighbors.

Some people are simply trash. Taking the high road works only if the person you’re dealing with is reasonable and has something to lose themselves. Again - normal neighbor - absolutely talk with them and come to an agreement. Complete idiots - some people don’t understand logic until it literally comes down on them with a baseball bat.

Oh - and get yourself the biggest baddest ass looking dog - pitbulls/rotweiller type - dog will probably be a complete baby - but will scare the shit out of a neighbor and keep them on their side of the line. A chain that extends right up until about 3” from a property line will certainly reduce the number of “emergencies” that develop requiring a neighbor to come into your yard.



Jan 8, 2024
I can't talk to stupid people who actually think land between two houses is not owned by anyone.

A fucking 12 year old knows that's not true.

Exactly - in the USA - every square inch of property is legally owned by SOMEONE.

It may be owned by the city, state or the US Government itself - but someone holds title - there are no spaces that are just “open”.

This is ‘Merica damnit - not some communist shithole - get off my yard.

Perhaps a nice large Trump 2024 sign blocking the improvised driveway in place of a chain/cable would get the point across.



Jul 11, 2024
The things to keep front of mind about attorneys is a. They are expressing opinions only - while they may be well thought out and supported opinions - they are opinions. Attorneys have opinions - judges decide whose opinions are right. B. Most attorneys opinions are going to side with whomever is paying them - a lot less money to be made telling people they are wrong vs telling them they are indeed correct.

Someone plowing snow onto your property is a tough case to make - not that it’s permissible - just that there needs to be damage to be actionable. Further - it needs to be forcible - not drift.

Driving across your yard is simpler - they damage the yard - you have a right to recover damage and prevent future damage. A simple 2 post and a chain set up stops that - they either stop driving through or drive around it. If they remove/damage the chain it’s vandalism/trespassing - that’s criminal and police can respond at that point.

The “friend” driving a tractor through and rutting up a yard doing work - again - simply find out who the friend is and file against them in small claims for damage to re/seed and water the area damaged. If the friend is a real contractor with insurance - hope they jump in as they will end that quickly. I’ve had to have those conversations with customers accused of doing similarly stupid stuff on job sites to upset neighbors.

Some people are simply trash. Taking the high road works only if the person you’re dealing with is reasonable and has something to lose themselves. Again - normal neighbor - absolutely talk with them and come to an agreement. Complete idiots - some people don’t understand logic until it literally comes down on them with a baseball bat.

Oh - and get yourself the biggest baddest ass looking dog - pitbulls/rotweiller type - dog will probably be a complete baby - but will scare the shit out of a neighbor and keep them on their side of the line. A chain that extends right up until about 3” from a property line will certainly reduce the number of “emergencies” that develop requiring a neighbor to come into your yard.
We can't block access to their propane tanks. That's the issue.

I just told two chimney sweepers not to drive a 2 ton machine on our property and don't park where these two idiots created a second driveway using our land.



Oct 24, 2023
If you have the funds put up a fence

The way the neighbors sound I’d make it solid not a chain link or see-thru
This. Township comes out and stakes the property for $50 and $10k for vinyl fence from front to back...after they stake it let him know not to touch them because fence install on the way. Also let Township know at that time you anticipate an issue with him during the process.



Jan 8, 2024
We can't block access to their propane tanks. That's the issue.

I just told two chimney sweepers not to drive a 2 ton machine on our property and don't park where these two idiots created a second driveway using our land.

How far from the common roadway are their tanks?

Again - a propane driver can drag hose 150’ easily I believe - your not blocking access - your restricting it to a reasonable degree.

The best example I can think of here is that of the split of mineral rights and surface rights. If you live in an area like I do where gas well drilling is common - it’s a continued matter before the courts. Basically - courts have argued both parties have the right of enjoyment of the use of their property/interest SO LONG AS IT DOES NOT INTERFERE WITH ANOTHERS.

So I have the right to build and do what I want with my land (the surface) - but cannot stop someone who owns minerals 10k feet below the ground from reasonably accessing them. Likewise - the mineral owner has a right to reasonably access - but they can’t tear up my yard if there is an alternative access point/method that wouldn’t cause as much of an issue. If they could drill a small 1” access well to remove their interest - they cannot come out with a giant earthmover and just start ripping the shit out of things because they want to be spiteful.

You have a right of reasonable enjoyment and use. Their rights don’t supersede yours - they just need to be balanced and considered in your restrictions.

BMR Genie

BMR Genie

Jun 16, 2016
I can't talk to stupid people who actually think land between two houses is not owned by anyone.

A fucking 12 year old knows that's not true.
They don't like guns. Fat slobs prefer Big Macs and Twinkies.
Not related, but I'm just curious.. When you bought that house, was your neighbor already there?

BMR Genie

BMR Genie

Jun 16, 2016
The things to keep front of mind about attorneys is a. They are expressing opinions only - while they may be well thought out and supported opinions - they are opinions. Attorneys have opinions - judges decide whose opinions are right. B. Most attorneys opinions are going to side with whomever is paying them - a lot less money to be made telling people they are wrong vs telling them they are indeed correct.

Someone plowing snow onto your property is a tough case to make - not that it’s permissible - just that there needs to be damage to be actionable. Further - it needs to be forcible - not drift.

Driving across your yard is simpler - they damage the yard - you have a right to recover damage and prevent future damage. A simple 2 post and a chain set up stops that - they either stop driving through or drive around it. If they remove/damage the chain it’s vandalism/trespassing - that’s criminal and police can respond at that point.

The “friend” driving a tractor through and rutting up a yard doing work - again - simply find out who the friend is and file against them in small claims for damage to re/seed and water the area damaged. If the friend is a real contractor with insurance - hope they jump in as they will end that quickly. I’ve had to have those conversations with customers accused of doing similarly stupid stuff on job sites to upset neighbors.

Some people are simply trash. Taking the high road works only if the person you’re dealing with is reasonable and has something to lose themselves. Again - normal neighbor - absolutely talk with them and come to an agreement. Complete idiots - some people don’t understand logic until it literally comes down on them with a baseball bat.

Oh - and get yourself the biggest baddest ass looking dog - pitbulls/rotweiller type - dog will probably be a complete baby - but will scare the shit out of a neighbor and keep them on their side of the line. A chain that extends right up until about 3” from a property line will certainly reduce the number of “emergencies” that develop requiring a neighbor to come into your yard.
I like this part, DJ.