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  1. patrickbateman

    It’s been awhile since JJ chimed in - do we think he’s breaking the 17-year streak??

    Threesome with you and JJ. It's called a daisy chain.
  2. patrickbateman

    Rudy: Posting comeback 8/1/24

    Get fucked asshole.
  3. patrickbateman

    India Snack Box Review (Part 2)

    Bobby do a protein bar review.
  4. patrickbateman

    talk me out of it

    JJ I talked you out of banging the lady boy in bang COCK. You were only going to win $20.
  5. patrickbateman

    Seattle cheerleaders

    What's next? Men beauty queens? JFC? STOP THE MADNESS!
  6. patrickbateman

    Sonya Massey Killing

    Okay. Where do you live? I bet not in an area with 30% minorities.
  7. patrickbateman

    Odds on JD Vance to "resign" ??

    Bill Clinto got blown in the White House so what the f*** are you talking about. They all hire their buddies except for Obama Bin Biden who hires minorities only. Like Karine who has ties to the Communist News Network.
  8. patrickbateman

    Odds on JD Vance to "resign" ??

    Junior senator who got into the schools he went to because of what he his, not who he is. Guy was a terible person and now sits in $50 million dollar houses because of people like you. A globalist scumbag who lied about his religion.
  9. patrickbateman

    Sonya Massey Killing

    George Floyd did not deserve to die but he wasn't a good person and the Democrats used his death to seize power. The African American community loves to point fingers but they fail to recognize and work on the problems that plague their own people. Single parent households...
  10. patrickbateman

    Odds on JD Vance to "resign" ??

    Obama had ZERO experience and was DEIed into the White House. One of the worst Presidents of all time. A globalist scumbag.
  11. patrickbateman

    Gym Selfies **and Daily Motivation

    Get more illegal immigrants to vote? Spoken like a true libtard!
  12. patrickbateman

    Toughest poster?

    Clown should be banned. He has to use multiple handles because everyone can't stand him.
  13. patrickbateman

    Toughest poster?

    Guy loves to hang on my nuts and post old material. Pretty sure he's lied about everything including his degree. Get a job you fucking bum.
  14. patrickbateman

    Toughest poster?

    Hangs on my every word like he hangs on other dude's balls.
  15. patrickbateman

    Toughest poster?

    Guy is rich so he can come to New England. He's a pussy libtard.
  16. patrickbateman

    Toughest poster?

    Asshole saves screenshots from 10 years ago. Fucking clown.
  17. patrickbateman

    Toughest poster?

    What a fucking loser. This guy has been stalking me for years and is now posting old made up material. Again, define what a woman is you chicks with dicks lover. 1. Lied about his degree. 2. Lives in a shack in Commifornia. 3. Loves liberals so he can get shit for free. 4. Spends his time...
  18. patrickbateman

    Toughest poster?

    Guy is hiding at some gay club in San Francisco.