So just confirmed they will be doing the bypass - likely someday next week.
Said my age and physical condition - it’s the absolute no hesitation recommended course of action - I’m young and in good shape (haven’t heard that one since around age 21 and introducing my body to beer).
I’m good with it - again given the outcomes - major surgery is actually preferable to what could have happened.
BMR be warned - I’ll soon have lots of idle time - nothing to do but set around and cruise the internet so I’ll be more active: Time to start funding accounts and making some time passing wagers I guess. Maybe start getting back into watching horse racing.
Appreciate the thoughts and such - means a lot.
Oh and feeling fine at the moment - a little tired but that’s more a combination of trying to sleep in a hospital - and just dealing with the gravity of the situation and not knowing for certain the plan. Now that I know - it’s somewhat of a relief I guess.
Did notice one of the xray reports said a small amount of pneumonia present (not unexpected laying around) - also said degenerate spine - the fact I post at BMR confirmed the degenerate part - spine, heart, soul and mind.