My wife had been giving me a hard time about taking her duck hunting, and deep down I knew she wouldn't want to get up that early on any given morning, but I finally gave in, reluctantly, for last saturday morning. Of course, when the alarm went off at 4 am, she started to him-haw around about how early it was, too tired, etc.,, etc., Having heard enough, I laid down the mandate: I'm gonna go load the dogs, and when I get back your either going to be ready to go, and if not, I'm either gonna fuk you in the ass, or your gonna suck my dik.......
I come back in from loading the dogs, and say, "what's it gonna be???" She says, "I guess I'm gonna suck your dik". I drop trow and she takes a LONG drag on my schwantz, and immediately she shouts "Ewwww, that tastes like shit!!!"
I say, "Oh yeah, one of the dogs didn't want to go huntin', either!"