What’s the big thing about Cuban cigars?
Cigars originated in Cuba and traditionally that's where the best cigars come from. Cuban soil is very special and completely perfect for cigars, JJ.
Times have changed, however. When the communists took over Cuba they also took everyone's factories and the cigar making families fled to other countries.
The result now is that Cuba has a huge problem with quality control because it's all in the hands of a really fukked up government.
Cuba still does have the best soil, they lack the quality control. As a result, other cigar producing nations have caught up big time. Countries like, for example, Nicaragua, can now lay claim to be growing the world's best tobacco.
On the whole, this is true as Nicaragua currently produces more quality cigars than Cuba does. However, if you can get a great quality Cuban, they're still the best in the world. They're just few and far between.
Also, countries like the Dominican Republic produce some truly outstanding cigars that can rival the best Cubans. Companies such as LA Flor Dominicana and Fuente produce some truly remarkable cigars.
Nicaragua has a plethora of outstanding cigar companies led by Padron, who right now is, in my opinion, the best and most consistently outstanding cigar manufacturer in the world.
I hope this explanation helps. I tried my best to explain it.