From my experience if you eat trash food, you have trash energy and Bobby won’t make it to the gym.
Yeah, you're really not wrong, but almost all food unless toally slimmed down is trash, but some trashier than others.
There's sodium everywhere, and will be at Panda, but he doesn't have to eat trash foods, especially relaltive to other foods out there. Get some rice.
Sure, diet will matter, but where he gets protein, carbs, and fats maybe not so much.
The key is to use that energy he's taking in, and get in the gym. Otherwise it stores.
He can get their faster changing his diet as well, for sure, but he will get nowhere if he doesn't get off his arse.
Tough to eat an all clean diet, I know, I track a ton of shit.
I say we get
@BobbyFK 's ass in the gym for a few mintues a day, then we'll worry about excessive fast food and all the other shit we are practically forced to eat. Hopefully his body will tell him to eat better food, helping him to change his diet.
But first he'll have to run through all those stores of energy that those shoulders
@flyingillini think are so sexy and dangerous have to hold up...